Cathy Cochrane, Holistic Nutritionist

How’s your relationship with food?

Do you eat perfectly all day, but then it all falls apart after supper?

When the Naturopath puts you on an anti-inflammatory diet or tells you to give up dairy, do you get excited and filled with a sense of adventure, or do you fear there’s nothing left to eat?

Do you know that changes to your eating habits would help your painful periods, lagging energy and bloated belly, but are afraid a diet will trigger old eating disorder tendencies?

Do you dive headlong for the cookies or the wine every time you have a conversation with your mother, or a hard day at work?

I can help!

Cathy Cochrane is a Holistic Nutritionist with a playfully unpretentious approach to food and eating. She teaches you to listen to your body, so you can discern which habits improve your energy and reignite your love of food, while seeking the choices that could calm your symptoms. In this sense, food and your relationship to eating become a doorway to your truest self.

– a day without the 3 PM slump
– a month without the roller coaster of moods and discomfort
– enjoying a meal without that rusty-pipe feeling
– relaxing after supper without grazing
– savouring delicious food without rules or deprivation

Cathy’s gentle guidance helps you bring ease to your meals and find comfort in your body. Improving your nutrition isn’t a formula that can be solved with a 2-week meal plan. Some changes will have an almost immediate impact. Others take time as you ease into a new normal. This is an investment in yourself; a way to discover the results that are much deeper and longer lasting than from any quick fix.

What Cathy offers you is an opportunity to get to know what you need from the inside out. A commitment of self-care that snowballs, because the better you eat, the better you feel, and the better you feel, the more prepared you’ll be for wherever life leads you next.

If you’re ready to make that vision a reality, jump right into a 90-minute initial session.

Healing starts with a conversation, so let’s talk!

In case you’re wondering, as a Natural Nutrition Consulting Practitioner**, Cathy has been in practice since 2006. She taught nutrition and symptomatology to aspiring Naturopaths in Montreal, and currently offers online continuing education to massage therapists. Cathy shares her approach through a blog, talks and workshops on how to nourish your body, sustain your energy through the day and move beyond cravings.

Cathy has expanded her nutrition toolkit with other modalities such as Therapeutic Touch, cell salts and flower essences. She is a believer in the benefits of meditation and journaling, as well as intuitive insights through Tarot. As a former costume designer, she understands how
creativity enhances the path to better health and a stronger sense of self. She moved to Ottawa with her husband and youngest son in 2016 and has fallen in love with this city’s natural beauty.

Read more about Cathy’s approach here: Holistic Nutrition Coaching

** Cathy’s services are covered for those whose insurance policy specifies “nutritional counselling”, or she can provide you with a letter requesting such coverage.

Cathy’s Schedule:

  • Mondays 12pm to 5pm (virtual only)
  • Thursdays 12pm to 5pm (virtual only)