Emily Lamoureux,
Certified Yoga Instructor
I have been teaching yoga and meditation for ten fulfilling years. Being of service to others and helping them achieve their physical and mental health goals is my intention for teaching.
I experience the benefits of yoga and meditation throughout my own daily practice. Personally reaping these rewards drives me further to share these techniques with others. I have a deep understanding of the struggles we all face throughout our lives and therefore an even deeper appreciation for remedying the debris of those struggles, namely stress, anxiety, and tension, that we all hold in our bodies and minds.
Taking a time out from the busy-ness of our lives of doing to focus on being with our bodies and minds in this moment, just as they are, is vital to our health and wellbeing. In my classes we will move, sit, stretch and accept where we are at. Paradoxically it is from this complete acceptance that change can blossom. I am also a certified Mindfulness Practitioner and I bring a solid foundation of evidence-based skills, techniques, and knowledge to my teaching.
”Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in. And this is the point of spiritual practice; to make us teachable; to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.” — Rolf Gates
Emily’s Hours at the OIHC:
- Yoga & Meditation: One-on-One online yoga or meditation classes on Fridays between 9am and 1pm