Catherine Hanson RMT
The word “Reiki” (pronounced “ray-key”) means Universal Life Energy ~ highly powerful vibrating force, or light energy. As humans, we have Universal Life Energy all around us and within us.
Reiki is a natural and simple healing method that allows you to absorb more life force. We use up our life energy through ordinary daily living and must constantly create a daily supply of new energy. The Reiki method vitalizes your life force and balances the energies in your body. This natural healing energy flows in a powerful and concentrated form through the hands of the Reiki practitioner. The gentle laying on of the hands directs the healing energy into the body of the receiver. These hand positions correspond with the body’s endocrine glandular system and the seven main chakras/energy centres.
Crown (Seventh chakra) ~ Pineal Gland
Third Eye (Sixth chakra) ~ Pituitary Gland
Throat (Fifth chakra) ~ Thyroid Gland
Heart (Fourth chakra) ~ Thymus Gland
Solar Plexus (Third chakra) ~ Pancreas
Sacral (Second chakra) ~ Ovaries and Gonads
Root (First chakra) ~ Adrenal Glands
What are the benefits of Reiki?
- Promotes natural self-healing.
- Releases blocks and suppressed feelings.
- Balances the energies in the body.
- Relaxes and reduces stress.
- Promotes creativity.
- Strengthens life force energy.
- Strengthens intuition.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Relieves pain.
- Enhances personal awareness and helps meditative states.
- Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver.
- Clears energetic toxins.
- Calms the busy mind.
Fees for Reiki Sessions:
60 Minute Reiki Session- $111 + HST*
Includes Reiki only. *Not an RMT Billable Service